I lived abroad, in New York, for 9 months, working from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm every day, and then having fun and exploring the city in all its cultural and intense experiences at night.

Before and after that, I traveled a lot, but these were trips that I completed in 3 weeks, at most a month, more or less tourist discoveries, mostly self-organized. I traveled with a backpack, we traveled as a family to child and family-friendly destinations, discovering the new, unknown, never unplanned, always carefully with open eyes and an open heart. We saw a large part of Europe, SW Asia, Indonesia, Africa, and S America. We got married in Japan, got engaged in Paris, so travel is part of our lives.
Memories often take me back to one of the places I have visited so far. I remember the smells, tastes, feelings,... adventures that I discovered on my own, as a couple, or with my family, and all the challenges that I overcame.
'To travel means to me to live, grow, love, explore, be free!'
I appreciate every moment, but I am especially looking forward to this trip because it will be like looking through a kaleidoscope at our pictures, memories, and notes from all our past travels combined with travelogues and documentary films that we have seen, and the unimaginable expectations that each member of this family holds.
Above all, I believe that travel is the only thing you can buy that will make you truly richer.