"It seemed like a good idea" my mother calmly replied when I told her, as the first in the family, that we were going on a round-the-world trip, although she later treated herself to a glass and had to think a bit more about the idea. As for my late father, I knew he would say: "the only right decision, I'll come with you too!" (smile)

After we began sharing our plans with friends, extended family, and acquaintances, we received so many new, useful, and inspiring pieces of information that we are even more excited about our round-the-world trip than ever before. I wish we could travel for a long time after we finish this trip and many other places.

We spent a lot of time figuring out how to finance the trip. When we decided to invest all our savings in this adventure, we had to accept the fact that things would not likely go according to plan, and then we could let ourselves be carried away by the challenges of traveling in our minds.

I have received a lot of support and encouragement from my friends, Miha, who has traveled the world with his family, has helped me feel prepared for any challenges we may face on our journey. Lidija, who has climbed to the top of many mountains, has saved me time with her helpful advice and let me know that I am on the right track. Maša, who sails the world with her family and returns home every so often, has shown me how easy it is to travel for two years with young children and inspired me to travel more and longer. And then there is Mojca, who lives, breathes, and talks about travel. I have realized that I am surrounded by people who "breathe" life with similar desires.
"Family, friends, acquaintances, everyone has found a supportive word because they know how much we want this and because they will travel with us, which I believe is the desire of each of us."